Thursday, September 13, 2007

Jena 6

In the case of the Jena 6, I feel that it is a racial joke. To me America is living again in Jim Crow days. When the fore fathers wrote the laws for this country,they did not have black people in mind. Jena 6 is a prime example of that.

Some white people in this country are still living in the Jim Crow days. It is sickening to see that this country is racially divided. We as black Americans must stand together against racism. It is time for us to quit turning the other cheek and stand together to conquer this problem. Our ancestors gave their lives so that we could have a better life in this country against racism. If we do not stand up against this problem, then they have died for nothing. Young black males must wake up and see what the future hold for them. In the case of the Jena 6, if justice goes against these young black males, it will prove that racism is so in our face today.

Young black males need to know that we are an intelligent race of people who have and still continue to help build this country.

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